By Abdul Razak Bawa
Let me begin this article with the words of Abraham Lincoln, the first president of the United States of America (USA) “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of Men”
I am not old enough to have lived through the first republic, led by Dr Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, neither the second republic led by one of the founding fathers of the United Party today New Patriotic Party tradition, Dr Abrefa Busia, nor the third republic led by Dr Hilla Liman.
In between these republics, were unnecessary interruptions caused by the military, but of course, they all contributed to getting us to where we are today.
You might call me, the child of Jerry John Rawlings, because although, I was not of age to have voted in 1992, to usher in the Forth Republican dispensation, by the year 2000, I cast my first ballot, as an adult of sound mind.
From 1957 to 2016, I can say if history is any guide, none of the presidents since Independence came to power with so much hope, expectations and goodwill of citizens and the international community like Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.
Unfortunately, all this goodwill has been squandered by president Akufo-Addo, due to a messiah complex, intellectual laziness, bad governance, endemic corruption, incompetence, mediocrity, nepotism, arrogance of power, sense of entitlement, stubbornness, aversion to constructive criticisms, delegation of responsibility without supervision or holding anyone accountable, indifference, distance and disconnection from and insensitivity to the sufferings of our people.
The mood in the country is that of anger, depression, hopelessness and hunger.
This government has repeatedly shown that it is incapable of fulfilling its primary responsibility of protecting and securing the people.
The honest truth is that it has run out of any fresh ideas on how to get the country out of the current quagmire but pride and ego is preventing it from reaching out nationally and internationally for help.
The following reasons suffices to show that, president Akufo-Addo, has checked out long time ago and does not give a hoot, which direction this country is heading.
In all his campaigns to be president since 2008, Akufo-Addo made corruption one of his focal points. Every opportunity he gets, especially in 2016, he affirmed that Ghana’s problem boiled down to corruption. He argued that the powers of the highest office in the land, must be exercised in an earnest ‘war on corruption’ for the country to recover its promise.
He even said, anyone whose desire is to make money, would not find space in his government but should go and work in the private sector.
Unfortunately, two months to the end of his eight-year tenure and both the social and mainstream media, is furnishing cause for fears Akufo-Addo’s administration is the worse since independence.
Even the institutions of State established to fight corruption, have given up, because corruption, has been fighting them back and strongly.
Because the thinking of Akufo-Addo is that corruption is the preserve vice of outsiders. It is what other people do. And it is what his family, friends and appointees, are incapable of doing.
Akufo-Addo, has the strong notion that human beings rise to infallibility by the virtue of their presence in his immaculate orbit. This fallacy in his head filters out accusations of corruption against his appointees. Thus, he is irritated by any suggestion that one of his men could be guilty of indiscretion.
Akufo-Addo’s narcissistic obsession with the optics of moral invincibility has served to make him a self-employed, full-time custodian of an illusory ideal.
He feels obligated to protect and insure the integrity of the entire government. This sense of false duty has expanded into an amorphous policy of blind spot favoritism, a touch-not-my-anointed exemption arrangement that guarantees his men immunity from rigorous scrutiny.
His men accused of corruption, get a pass from him, even before any investigation is commenced, he will announce the beginning of an investigation and would conclude that, the investigation would amount to nothing, because he knows the person is innocent. And this man is a lawyer.
Many people believe that the victory of Akufo-Addo, in 2016, will find a lasting solution to Ghana’s woes. But, as it is, people who are not parochial in analyzing issues could easily conclude that the present administration, has not shown any signs of tackling the challenges they came to meet, if any, they have only made it worse.
From the onset of his presidency, Akufo-Addo, has blamed John Dramani Mahama, for the poor economic state of the country.
Seven and half years later, Akufo-Addo continues to hold Mahama responsible for the mess Ghana is in.
Every economic indicator, has gone from bad to worse, instead of giving antidote to get us out of the mess, we have been given poison, to worsen our condition. Ghanaians who had faith in government bonds, were forced to take a haircut, in an economy where prices of every commodity had gone up by more than 600 percent in the last seven years.
Under this government, a lot of private companies in this country have folded up as a result of the numerous taxes that never existed during the last administration.
Akufo-Addo promised to move Ghana from taxation to production, he has instead moved Ghana from taxation to more taxation.
Akufo-Addo promised to create jobs for the teeming unemployed youth. While the youth wait for him to fulfill this promise, which is impossible because he had no time, those who are lucky enough to get jobs are being laid off on a daily basis due to the harsh economy.
Akufo-Adoo, came, saw but failed to conquer. Ghanaians will never look back, when he leaves office on January 7, 2025.
Illegal Mining (Galamsey)
Today, Ghana is at a crossroads threatened by the devastating effect of illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey. It is an existential threat that is ravaging our forests and polluting our water bodies.
Various groups and prominent individuals, have all called for action from the president, but he cannot be bothered, because while we cry for the next and unborn generations, he is only interested in the future of his family.
Since 1957, when Ghana gained its independence, no single issue, has caught the attention of Ghanaians, speaking in unison than galamsey.
It is a fight that must be won, and people from all walks of life¸ have stood together and spoken in one voice. Galamsey is the only issue that, has gotten even religious group, to embark on demonstration, calling on the government to act.
Akufo-Addo, since 2017, has been big on grammar, if words were enough to solve our problems, Akufo-Addo, will have been the best president this country could ever have.
The man even said he was putting his presidency on the line to fight galamsey, but what do we see today, forests that have been designated as reserves, have been invaded under his watch.
Our water bodies that were once a source of drinking water for many of our people, have been polluted to the extent that, Ghana Water Company Limited, is finding it difficult to process the water, the turbidity level is getting high by the day.
Many attempts have been made to combat the menace, not much has been achieved though, except the tragic loss of life of Major Mahama, who was detailed to go and fight the galamseyers.
Till today, and despite the shambolic window dressing of fighting galamsey, Ghanaians do not know how much money has been spent so far in the exercise.
Family and Friends
In opposition president Akufo-Addo, accused then President Mahama, of presiding over family and friends government. While, accusing John Mahama, Akufo-Addo, he knew at the back of his mind that, he had so many family members, who were qualified to occupy any position in government.
In government and he has appointed so many family and friends than we have ever witnessed since independence and he makes no apology for it.
Hypocrisy is when you accuse someone of something and when you get the opportunity you do worse than them and Akufo-Addo, is the most hypocritical person to have occupied the highest office of the land.
We were told that Akufo-Addo would be the one to take Ghanaians to the promised land. If I may ask, which promised land were we told about? Is it the one in the bible? An adage says, “One cannot be given the title ‘eagle’ and yet be incapable of snatching chickens.”
Where Are Our Chiefs, Statesmen, Pastors, Imams Etc
Ghana, was built on the blood and sweat of our heroes past, some of whom are still alive. I have often asked myself that if the state is failing, where are the men and women of value. This nation needs the wise counsel and intervention of these illustrious patriots now more than ever before. It is reassuring to hear some of these old warriors speaking up on the state of the nation, but those who have remain silent, must also speak up. Silence in our current situation is no longer golden.