Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has suggested that there may be additional information about the health status of the NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, that the Ahwois are not disclosing to the public.
Reacting to the viral video and news reports on what Kwesi Ahwoi said during a party at the Ahwois’ office at Labone to affirm Prof Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang’s nomination as the National Democratic Congress’s running mate, Amidu indicated that those words were not merely wrongly spoken.
He explained in his latest epistle that it is not possible that Kwesi Ahwoi, who is a former Minister for The Interior, a former Ambassador to South Africa, and is skilled in security, intelligence, and diplomacy, could misspeak unless there is more he knows about Mahama’s health.
Inferring that the Ahwois have a bigger plot up their sleeves and for which reason John Mahama should be careful, even with the nomination of Prof Naana Jane, Martin Amidu said that all of these go to show how consumed that family is with its desire to control the NDC.
“The Ahwois and their cohort were so carried away by the success of hoodwinking John Mahama into nominating their surrogate as his running mate for the 2024 elections that they could not wait for the flagbearer to formally outdoor his running mate to the rank and file of the NDC. The Ahwois decided to exhibit their ownership of the NDC by organizing a special celebration of their feat in achieving the renomination of their surrogate, Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, as the NDC running mate at their offices on Church Street, Labone.
“Kwesi Ahwoi, who had assumed the spokesmanship for the Ahwois and their cohort of the Church Street cabal, was so carried away with excitement that he made public what the cohort had been saying in the dark and whispering in the private rooms of their kitchen cabinet.
“John Dramani Mahama‘s date of birth is 29 November 1958, while that of the Ahwois’ surrogate, Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, is 22 November 1951. Consequently, if the Ahwois and their Church Street cohort are already thinking of John Mahama’s passing before the end of his four-year term, then there must be something they are privy to about John Mahama’s health status that Ghanaians do not know.
“The possibility that in addition to whatever health problems of John Mahama may be known to the Ahwois and their cohort, is there also a kitchen cabinet plan to send John Mahama to sleep early, like Professor Mills, should he perchance win the 2024 elections, to make assurance double sure that their enterprise for their surrogate to become President before 2024 and, therefore, face no opposition for the nomination for 2028 NDC flagbearership?” he wrote.
Martin Amidu further indicated that the supposed riposte from Prof Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang to Kwesi Ahwoi immediately he made those ‘prepare to be president because anything could happen’ was not genuine.
He added that she only made those comments to smartly dissuade attention from the real intent of the Ahwois, who he described as a surrogate of the founding members of the National Democratic Congress.
“It was a crafty conspiratorial way of wishing John Mahama good health as a way of not giving out the plot of the Church Street cabal. One just has to read Lady Macbeth’s reception of Duncan King of Scotland and the plans already laid out for his treasonous murder that night in Shakespear’s Macbeth to understand the theatrics that was unfolding at the Church Street celebratory drama of the Ahwois,” he added.
Ahwois may be privy to something about Mahama’s health status that Ghanaians do not know – Amidu

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